Sunday, February 12, 2012


My bad, I neglected to tell a friend that this movie wasn’t for kids and so she put it on for her young child. Oops, there went the bad language!

Well, when you have Bob Saget writing and directing this, you can bet this is not going to be an episode of FULL HOUSE.

Saget, who was probably one of the funniest things in the movie THE ARISTOCRATS (about the layered storytelling of the world’s most infamous gross and filthy joke), shines here too. The thing is that no matter how he tries to disguise his voice, you always know that you’re hearing Bob Saget. No matter, he’s a great comedian. So much so, that I forgave him for even being on a crap show like FULL HOUSE quite a few years ago.

Narrated by Samuel “Tired of these Muthafuckin penguins on this Muthafuckin’ iceberg’” Jackson, this is definitely a movie to show your adult friends at parties.

A big, enthusiastic thumbs up on my end of things. Keep ‘em comin’, Bob!

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