Monday, May 31, 2010


I guess I should start out by clarifying that I am NOT a fan of the whole “Vampire Hunter” genre.

I can't even go into a book store (or even grocery stores that sell books) and not trip over the glut of books out there on vampires, vampire hunting and novels about women who fantasize being the lover of some hunky blood sucker (they’re calling these types of books “Paranormal Romances”). I could read one or two of them, but in the end, those are several hours of my life that I’ll never get back again. I do, however, still dig the early Christopher Lee Dracula films and the late Robert Quarry as Count Yorga.

However, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VAMPIRE HUNTER was one I couldn’t resist and when I bought and read it, boy was I GLAD I couldn’t resist it!

As a young boy, Abe is traumatized when he comes into contact with vampires and decides to make it his life’s work to hunt them down and destroy them. He’s like Professor Van Helsing (whose first name was also “Abraham” – a synchronicity of some sort?).

He goes through a training period and then receives tips from a vampire he befriends on undead infestations in different places. Abe is dispatched to clean up whatever scourge he finds. Not even his later Presidency gets in the way of doing this.

You will learn the “real” reason behind President Lincoln’s assassination and the “truth” about John Wilkes Booth. Plus you’ll read about the relationship Abe had with Edgar Allan Poe.

This is fun reading for a summer weekend. I just read that Tim Burton may be doing a film version of this book.

Do yourself a favor and read it as soon as you can.

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