Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ok, this was bound to happen. Ever since Mel Brooks brought that element to the forefront in BLAZING SADDLES (it’s the first scene that comes to mind when you think of that movie, isn’t it?), this biological happening has been creeping into film ever since. In F.A.R.T. THE MOVIE, it turns these body noises into the subject of a ninety-minute film.

Artie is a kid who, from the day he was born, has no palpable control over when or where he emits. A hit at Frat parties, he struggles to learn suppression techniques. This, of course, leads to precarious situations, such as when he meets the parents of his college girlfriend and can barely contain himself.

No real surprises here except to see that Rance Howard, Ron Howard’s dad, accepted a role in this movie. Ron must not have been shooting anything at the time this was made because he usually uses his Dad (and younger brother Clint) as extras in his films. Guess Rance needed the $27.50 or whatever it was he made for F.A.R.T. THE MOVIE.

It’s Kevin and John Farley in the movie, not Chris, as some would lead you to believe.

Rating: 2 Whoopie Cushions out of a possible 10.

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