Friday, June 4, 2010


Back in the 1960’s, amid all the James Bond craze, someone at Lancer Books decided they wanted to “sex up” the 007 genre. Thus, THE MAN FROM O.R.G.Y. was born.

Theodore Mark Gottfried, under the name, Ted Mark, began writing these books right and left. They were so popular that reprints were constantly done. In the 70s, Dell Books picked up the series in reprints and then issued new, more modern O.R.G.Y. stories. In BEAUTY AND THE BUG, it is discovered that Nixon is a robot. Other newer titles included DIAL “O” FOR O.R.G.Y. and AROUND THE WORLD IS NOT A TRIP.

As time went on, the books became more and more explicit and lost whatever charm they had from the Lancer days. Ted Mark always tried to amuse and entertain, but I dropped out of the series after they became too graphic. They became more like sex manuals and the protagonist, Steve Victor, became less of a spy and more of a nookie hound than he was before.

THE REAL GONE GIRLS was the fourth book in the series, I believe. I was surprised to learn a few years ago that a MAN FROM O.R.G.Y. movie was made from this book starring Robert Walker, Jr. as Steve Victor. I’ve never been able to find this movie, but would be interesting in seeing it to judge for myself whether it’s just a nudie romp or actually has some story value to it. Ted Mark did the screenplay from his own book.

O.R.G.Y. books were not the only ones he did. He created other bedroom romps and comedic stories as well. Some of these other books will be posted here in days to come.

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